Showing posts with label Lyrics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lyrics. Show all posts

Green Day - Jaded [Motivational Song Lyrics]

"Jaded" is a song by the American punk rock band, Green Day. This is the eleventh tracks and third single from the group's fourth studio album, Insomniac.
Written by Billie Joe Armstrong Frank E. Wright III / Michael Pritchard.
Green Day - Jaded [Motivational Song Lyrics]
Green Day - Jaded [Motivational Song Lyrics]
"Always move forward, going straight will get you nowhere."

Terjemahan: Selalu melangkah kedepan, melaju dengan lurus tidak akan membawamu kemana-mana.

Catatan: Bagaimanapun keadaannya, kita harus tetap melangkah kedepan. Jangan pernah mengharapkan jalan yang lurus, mulus, dan lancar. Karena sesungguhnya, untuk mencapai apa yang diinginkan, kita harus bersedia untuk menghadapi rintangan-rintangan seperti jalanan yang rusak, berbelok-belok, naik-turun, dan keterasingan (pengalaman baru) tentunya sampai kita menemukan jalan yang lurus. Jalan yang lurus dan benar itu datang dengan tiba-tiba, jadi tidak usah dihiraukan melainkan kita harus terfokus terhadap pembenahan diri. Intinya jangan terlalu banyak berharap, melainkan harus melakukan yang terbaik dengan rintangan yang menghiasi perjalanan. Ya benar, rintangan-rintangan itu adalah hiasan untuk masa depan kita. Karena tanpa rintangan-rintangan tersebut, pengorbanan dari diri kita sendiri tidak akan muncul. Pengorbanan lah yang membuat masa pahit terasa seperti manis.

Jangan hiraukan rintangan-rintangan yang sedang kita hadapi, yang terpenting hanyalah melaju dan melangkah kedepan, fokus kedepan. Bukan mundur.

Note: In any case, we have to keep stepping forward. Never expect a straight path, smooth, and seamless. For indeed, to achieve what they want, we must be willing to face obstacles such as damaged roads, twist / zigzag, up and down, and alienation (a new experience) course until we find a straight path. The straight and true path will come suddenly, so do not be ignored, but we have to focus on reform ourselves. The point is not too much to expect, but must do their best to decorate trip obstacles. Yes, barriers it is an ornament for our future. Because without the obstacles mentioned above, the sacrifice of ourselves is not going to appear. Sacrifice is what makes time seem like bitter sweet.

Do not mind the obstacles that we are facing, the most important thing is just going and stepped forward, the focus of the future. Not backward.

Full lyrics:

Somebody keep my balance
I think I'm falling off
Into a state of regression
The expiration date
Rapidly coming up
It's leaving me behind to rank
Always move forward
Going straight will get you nowhere
There is no progress
Evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere
I'm taking one step sideways
Leading with my crutch
Got a fucked up equilibrium
Count down from 9 to 5
Hooray, we're gonna die
Blessed into our extinction
Always move forward
Going straight will get you nowhere
There is no progress
Evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere
Always move forward
Goin' straight will get you nowhere
There is no progress
Evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere
In nowhere, in nowhere

Thanks for reading Green Day - Jaded [Motivational Song Lyrics]

I Call Fives - Regrets and Setbacks [Motivational Song Lyrics]

"Regrets and Setbacks" is track #10 on the self-titled album I Call Fives. It was written by Jeff Todd / Drew Conte / Christian Mullen / Chris Mclelland / Mike Gavarone. Originally made by I Call Fives.
I Call Fives - Regrets and Setbacks [Motivational Song Lyrics]
I Call Fives - Regrets and Setbacks [Motivational Song Lyrics]

"When you don't know which way to go. When you feel like you've lost all hope. Don't give up."

Terjemahan :

Bila Anda tidak tahu jalan mana untuk pergi.
Ketika Anda merasa seperti Anda telah kehilangan semua harapan.
Jangan menyerah.

Catatan :

Salah satu cara untuk bertahan ketika kita sedang berada dalam masalah hanyalah "Jangan menyerah". Itu yang dikatakan oleh band I Call Fives dalam lagunya yang berjudul Regrets and Setbacks, artinya "Penyesalan dan kemunduran". Lagu ini sangat membuat saya semangat dan bertahan ketika saya mendapat masalah. Inilah penggalan lirik yang dapat mengubah pola pikir saya menjadi lebih pantang menyerah, dengan alunan pop punk yang sangat menyemangati jiwa.
Kita harus benar-benar bisa bertahan ketika kita berada dibawah maupun diatas, karena memang sebenarnya hidup itu tidak monoton. Bertahan ketika berada diatas, kita pasti merasa senang dan bangga ketika berada diatas, tetapi pantangannya kita harus dapat menahan diri agar tidak bertingkah sombong, arogan, pamer, ataupun lupa untuk berbagi. Dan ketika berada dibawah, keadaan seperti inilah yang paling ditakuti oleh beberapa orang. Padahal sebenarnya, keadaan ini bukan untuk keburukkan kita, tetapi sebaliknya. Dengan itu kita dapat merasakan bagaimana orang-orang yang kurang mampu dapat menjalani hidup dengan masalah di setiap hari nya. Apakah hanya kita yang sedang mengalami masalah? Apakah hanya kita yang masalah nya seburuk itu? Tidak! Masih banyak orang lain yang hidup lebih susah. Kita harus tetap bersyukur meskipun kita sedang berada dibawah, apalagi sebaliknya.


One way to survive when we are in trouble simply "Do not give up". It was said by the band I Call Fives in his song titled Regrets and setbacks. This song really makes my spirit arise when I got into trouble. This is a fragment of lyrics that can change my mindset to be more unyielding, with the strains of pop punk spirit which is very encouraging.
We should really be able to survive when we are under or above, because it is in fact life is not monotonous. Survive while the above, we definitely feel happy and proud when it is over, but the prohibition we should be able to refrain from acting cocky, arrogant, show off, or forget to share. And when it is below, such a state is the most feared by some people. When in fact, this situation is not to our vices, but vice versa. With it we can feel how people who can not afford to live with the problems in her daily basis. Is it just us who are experiencing problems? Is it just us that his problem that bad? No! There are still many others who live more difficult. We must remain grateful though we're under, especially if otherwise.

Full Lyrics:

I'm still taking steps back

And I feel it all the time
Just another setback
Another useless day behind
I've been dwelling on my weakness, and it's been getting to me
How long can this go on?
Come to terms with the fact that you can't go back
There's always something to hold you down if you won't get off the ground

When you don't know which way to go

When you feel like you've lost all hope
Don't give up
Don't give anything those thoughts in your mind
Get over saying sorry for overthinking all the time

The last chance is now

We're running out of time
Don't ask me how, but if life is slipping by
All those nights and all those drives
Watching as all their dreams just died
You don't know what it's like
You don't know what it's like for me

When you don't know which way to go

When you feel like you've lost all hope
Don't give up
Don't give anything those thoughts in your mind
Get over saying sorry for overthinking all the time

Someday, you'll see how easy it is to forget

The ones not worth remembering in the first place
Someday, you'll see how easy it is to forget
The ones not worth remembering in the first place

When you don't know which way to go

When you feel like you've lost all hope
Don't give up
Don't give anything those thoughts in your mind

Get over saying sorry for overthinking all the time

Blink 182 - Does My Breath Smell? [Motivational Song Lyrics]

"Does My Breath Smell?" is track #1 on the album Short Bus and track #8 on the album Cheshire Cat. It was written by Tom DeLonge / Scott Raynor / Mark Hoppus. Originally made by Blink 182. Published by Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.

Blink 182 - Does My Breath Smell? [Motivational Song Lyrics]
Blink 182 - Does My Breath Smell? [Motivational Song Lyrics]
"There is nothing left there to say.
I guess you best be on your way.
But before you go, you got to do that chore."

Terjemahan :

Tidak ada yang tersisa di sana untuk berkata.
Saya rasa Anda terbaik berada di jalan anda.
Tapi sebelum Anda pergi, Anda harus melakukan tugas itu.

Catatan :

Tidak ada lagi kata yang tersisa untuk dikatakan jika apa yang kita injak bukanlah milik kita melainkan milik orang lain. Seseorang akan sulit berkembang jika tidak mampu menjadi dirinya sendiri. Semuanya akan menjadi lebih baik jika mereka berada dijalannya masing-masing, merekalah yang terbaik dijalannya sendiri, dan menjadi yang kedua dijalan orang lain. Jadilah diri sendiri. Jika merasa belum mampu menjadi diri sendiri, lakukan terlebih dahulu tugas itu, tugas untuk berhenti menjadi orang lain.

Note :

No more words left to say if what we are standing is not ours but belongs to someone else. Someone would be difficult to develop if it is not able to be himself. Everything would be better if they were on their own way, they were the best on their own way, but became the second on the other people's ways. Be yourself. If you feel has not been able to be yourself, do the first task, the task to stop being someone else.

Blink 182 - Does My Breath Smell? [Motivational Song Lyrics]
Blink 182 - Does My Breath Smell? [Motivational Song Lyrics]
"No worse a time, when it's just your time to think you should make your move. It's doesn't work as your just a jerk with no excuse."

Terjamahan :
Tidak ada waktu yang lebih buruk, ketika itu hanya waktu Anda untuk berpikir bahwa Anda harus membuat Anda bergerak. Ini tidak bekerja seperti Anda hanya brengsek tanpa alasan.

Catatan :
Banyak waktu yang baik untuk membuat diri Anda bergerak, dan ini tidak akan bekerja jika Anda selalu saja mengira bahwa Anda hanyalah seseorang yang brengsek tanpa alasan. Hargailah diri sendiri, begitu juga orang lain. Maka dari itu, kita akan menemukan kehidupan seperti apa yang kita dan orang lain inginkan.

Note :
Many a good time to make yourself move, and this will not work if you always think that you're just someone who jerk for no reason. Respect yourself, so do others. Therefore, we will find life as what we and others want.

Full lyrics :

Who makes up all the rules about those girls I want?

Who tells them all to laugh?
Who tells them all to talk about me?

And I'm not sure what my purpose is for being here

Why do they, why do they
Always kick me in the groin when I come near

And I'm not complaining it just hurts after a bit.

I don't know what I'm feeling

I'm just so sick of seeing
All those dumb, lame, and retarded broads

Who often just sit kick back

As I am not so relaxed
I often wonder why they act so odd

Because no worse a time

When it's just your time to
Think you should make your move
It doesn't work as your just a jerk with no excuse

What about that situation

All night procrastination
Takes you to the point when you lead her to her door

There is nothing left there to say

I guess you best be on your way
But before you go you got to do that chore

No worse a time

When it's just your time to
Think you should make your move
It doesn't work as your just a jerk with no excuse

Please won't you buy in

I'm always tryin'
I keep on tryin'
There's only so much pride that I can lose

I hope that when you see me

You see right through me
Come on now, honestly

I'm so sick of endin' up without a clue

Thanks for reading Blink 182 - Does My Breath Smell? [Motivational Song Lyrics]

Green Day - Worry Rock [Motivational Song Lyrics]

"Worry Rock" is a song that was on the album Nimrod. (1997) of Green Day.
Written by Billie Joe Armstrong Frank E. Wright III / Michael Pritchard.
Published by LYRICS © WARNER / Chappell MUSIC, INC.
Green Day - Worry Rock [Motivational Song Lyrics]
Green Day - Worry Rock [Motivational Song Lyrics]

"Where do we go from here? And what did you do with the directions? Promise me no dead end streets. And I'll guarantee we'll have the road."

Terjemahan: Kemana kita pergi dari sini? Dan apa yang kamu lakukan dengan arah? Berjanjilah padaku bahwa tidak ada jalan buntu. Dan aku akan menjamin, kita akan mendapatkan jalannya.

Catatan: Seseorang harus yakin dengan jalan yang telah dipilih, dan percaya bahwa tidak ada jalan buntu. Dengan begitu seseorang akan menjamin bahwa kita akan mendapatkan jalannya seperti apa yang kita inginkan. Yakin dan percaya memang faktor terpenting dalam suatu usaha untuk mencapai sesuatu.

Note: A person must be confident with the way that have been passed, and believed that there was no stalemate or dead ends. With so, someone would guarantee that we would get in our way as what we want. Confident and trust is the most important factor in an attempt to achieve something.

Full Lyrics:

Another sentimental argument
And bitter love
But without a kiss again
Dragged it through the mud

Yelling at brick walls and
Punching windows made of stone
The worry rock has turned to dust
Fallen on our pride

A knocked down dragged out fight
Fat lips and open wounds
Another wasted night
And no one will take the fall

Where do we go from here?
And what did you do with the directions?
Promise me no dead end streets
And I'll guarantee we'll have the road

A knocked down dragged out fight
Fat lips and open wounds
Another wasted night
And no one will take the fall

Another sentimental argument
And bitter love
But without a kiss again
Dragged it through the mud

Where do we go from here?
And what did you do with the directions?
Promise me no dead end streets
And I'll guarantee we'll have the road

And I'll guarantee we'll have the road
And I'll guarantee we'll have the road

Thanks for reading Green Day - Worry Rock [Motivational Song Lyrics]

Blink 182 "I'm Sorry" - Inspiring Song Lyrics

"I'm Sorry" is a song by the American pop punk band, Blink 182. This is the fifteenth tracks from the group's studio album, Dude Ranch.
Written by Tom DeLonge. Music by Blink 182.

Blink 182 - I'm Sorry [Motivational Song Lyrics]

Blink 182 "I'm Sorry" - Inspiring Song Lyrics

"We're unstoppable, indestructable. Nothing happens to our machine."

Terjemahan: Kami tidak dapat dihentikan, tidak dapat dihancurkan. Tidak ada yang terjadi pada mesin kami.

Kutipan lirik ini membicarakan tentang kekuatan. Kekuatan dalam menghadapi masalah, kekuatan untuk pertahanan, dan kekuatan untuk penyerangan. Percaya bahwa kami dapat menyelesaikan seberat apapun masalah yang dihadapi. Sugesti yang kuat untuk tetap berdiri tegak karena kita tidak bisa dihentikan dan dihancurkan begitu saja. Tidak akan ada keganjilan yang terjadi pada mesin kita. Kita akan terus melaju dengan pasti menuju apa yang direncakan.

This quote lyrics talk about strength. Strength in the face of problems, strength to the defense, and strength to attack. Believe that we can resolve any problems encountered heavy. A strong suggestion to stay standing because we can not be stopped and destroyed just like that. There will be no anomalies that occur on our machines. We will continue to advance with certainty to what is planned.

Full Lyrics:

Don't bide your time
Cause it is almost over
And I know you're down
I'll see you around
And I know it hurts
But you're just getting older
And I know you'll win
You'll do it once again

Just yesterday
It always seemed like such a dream
We're unstoppable indestructable
Nothing happens to our machine
And there's no harm 
At least nothing we can see
As for you not so true
He couldn't choose where his road would lead

What a loss
You just lost all your sleep
And we've always thought
That this could never happen you see
That it's so hard
You gotta get up on your feet
Cause the only way I gotta say
Is to move on through the week

[back to Chorus]

I'm Sorry I'm sorry
I'm Sorry I'm sorry
I'm Sorry I'm sorry
I'm Sorry I'm sorry

This Happened to you

This Happened to you

Thanks for reading Blink 182 "I'm Sorry" - Inspiring Song Lyrics